Kerala Administrative Service | KAS Qualification & Method of Appointment

This article is all about qualification and method and appointment for Kerala Administrative Service - KAS. The contents discussed here will be the category of KAS officers, their manner of appointment and the required age limit, educational qualification and medical fitness details. The details are based on The Kerala Civil Service Executive Special Rules published by PARD dated 29.12.17.

The category of KAS officers can be classified as follows
  • KAS Officer (Junior Time Scale)
  1. Steam 1
  2. Stream 2
  3. Stream 3
  • KAS Officer (Senior Time Scale)
  • KAS Officer (Selection Grade Scale)
  • KAS Officer (Super Time Scale)
KAS Officer (Junior Time Scale)

Stream 1

The Manner of appointment - By direct recruitment

  • Applicant must have completed 21 years and must not have completed 32 years of age as on 1st January of the year in which application of appointment of KAS is invited. Age relaxation for reservations will be applicable. Age relaxation of 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC/ST.
  • Must have obtained a Bachelor Degree (including professional course) in any subject from a University recognized by a University established by Government of Kerala or UGC or awarded by National Institutes established by the Government of India.
For latest details refer page 3 of KAS notification 2019.

Stream 2

The Manner of appointment - By direct recruitment (from permanent employees in any Government departments - Employees from PSUs are not included)

  • Applicant must have completed 21 years and must not have completed 40 years of age as on 1st January of the year in which application of appointment of KAS is invited. Age relaxation of 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC/ST.
  • Must have obtained a Bachelor Degree (including professional course) in any subject from a University recognized by a University established by Government of Kerala or UGC or awarded by National Institutes established by the Government of India.
  • Must be a regular employee or an approved probationer in any Government departments and must not be a 1st Gazetted officer in the departments in Schedule 1.
  • Must have been regularised in service in any cadre as per rule 10 (b) in the Kerala State & Subordinate Services Rules 1958 or must have served for a period of not less than two years in a supernumerary post in Government and against whom no major penalty has been imposed or proceedings for major penalty or criminal proceedings in progress.
For latest details refer page 3 of KAS notification 2019.

Stream 3

The manner of appointment - By transfer appointment (from Candidates holding the 1st Gazetted post in Departments in the Schedule 1 and equivalent posts in common categories listed in Schedule 1).

  • Applicant must not have completed 50 years of age as on 1st January of the year in which application of appointment of KAS is invited. Age relaxation for reservations will be applicable.
  • Must have obtained a Bachelor Degree (including professional course) in any subject from a University recognized by a University established by Government of Kerala or UGC or awarded by National Institutes established by the Government of India.
  • Applicant must satisfy a Medical Board as his physical fitness and capacity for active outdoor works.
  • Must have satisfactorily completed probation in any cadre in Government or probation has not been declared in the current post even after the period of probation, due to administrative delay but against whom no major penalty has been imposed or proceedings for a major penalty or criminal proceedings in progress.
For latest details refer page 3 of KAS notification 2019.

KAS Officer (Senior Time Scale)

The Manner of appointment - By promotion

  • Applicant must have satisfactorily completed the probation in the post of KAS (Junior Time Scale).
  • Applicant must have completed 8 years in the post of KAS (Junior Time Scale)
KAS Officer (Selection Grade Scale)

The Manner of appointment - By promotion

  • Applicant must have completed 6 years in the post of KAS (Senior Time Scale)
KAS Officer (Super Time Scale)

The Manner of appointment - By promotion

  • Applicant must have completed 8 years in the post of KAS (Selection Grade Scale)
Note: The recruitment to the KAS (Junior Time Scale) from the 3 streams shall be in the proportion of 1:1:1.

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  1. hi, is this notification for kerala deputy collector group 1? when is the notification date for prelims 2018? plz tell me. age limit?

  2. Is it ever going to come?any inside news??

  3. Enter your comment...Is the application for kas finished??? when application starts??

  4. Sir,
    Is disables person can appear for KAS exam? If yes, what is the age relaxation

  5. Can degree final year students can also apply for kas exam?

  6. It is heard that teachers under general education are excluded from applying KAS from Stream II

  7. എനിക്ക് 41 വയസ്സ് ഉണ്ട്‌, ഗവണ്മെന്റ് ജോലി, നോൺ ഗസറ്റഡ് തസ്തികയിൽ ജോലി ചെയ്യുന്നു, kas apply ചെയ്യാൻ പറ്റുമോ, ഒബിസി ആണ്

  8. Engineers working in various department not eligible?

  9. Hi,

    Engineers working in various departments of Government of Kerala under already specified age category are eligible for the exam.


    1. I am working in irrigation department as Assistant Engineer.I have applied to KAS STREAM 3 .Ihave required qualifications as prescribed by KPSC.But my application seems ineligible .the reason stated that our department is not included in schedul 1 departments.Asper KAS special ruls ammended ,by transfer appointment for stream 3 is changed as by direct recruitment .in this case ,by transfer appointment from among candidates holding 1st goazetted post or above in schedule 1 is true .but as per ammendmend it is changed as statewide direct recruitment.As per this rule candidates working as gazetted officer having degree and age below 50 in any govt. departments can apply under stream 3.departments in schedule 1 may be changed to from any gov departments. they changed only by transfer appontment to dirct recruitment . what is the benefit for thhis change ?Every office attendents having degree can apply for KAS .But thereis no chance for a GAZETTED OFFICER to attend the exam. please respond.

  10. Im presently working as Medical Officer in the Department of Homoeopathy Government of Kerala .(GAZETTED).My age as on June 2018 is 40. Am i eligible to apply for KAS.

    1. Why You look KAS ? Your profession is already better than KAS!!

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  12. Njan vhse school le lab assistant aayi joli cheyyunnu. Eniku samsarseshiyum chevi kuravum ullathane.KASn apekshikkunnu pattumo

  13. Can higher secondary teachers(sr) can apply for kas stream3

  14. Can final year btech student can also apply for KAS exam?

  15. എനിക്കു 50വയസുണ്ട് sc ആണ് kas എഴുതാൻ pattumo

  16. final year students can applay

    MAY I KNOW WHO IS a first gazetted officer.

  18. Can central government employee write under stream 2

  19. Can central government employee under stream 2


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