
Economy of Kerala State | Kerala Economy Syllabus Wise Study Material for KAS Exam | Prelims & Mains | KAS Tutor

This article is all about economy of Kerala state explained based on the Kerala economy syllabus of Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) examination prelims and mains. Here we discuss the the Economy of Kerala from pre-independence era (before 1947) to recent Covid period (2020). Economy of Kerala State and Kerala Model Development is the two pillar that the KAS Kerala Economy Syllabus is aligned to. The article explain how the feudalistic and agrarian backward economy of Kerala during its formative years transformed in to egalitarian service sector dominant economy after Liberalisation, Privatisation & Globalisation (LPG) reforms in 1991 and then to a world class 'Kerala Model' in 2020. Because of the high social indicators and qualitative model of development, Kerala is world example by its 'Kerala Model of Development'. There is comparison done between Gujarat Model of Development. The video discusses the condition of the economy of Kerala state based on histor...

Syllabus based Books & Study Materials for KAS Exam 2025 | Kerala Administrative Service | KAS Tutor |

This article is all about syllabus-based recommended books and study materials for the Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) examination. We will be providing you a list of books, eBooks, and study resources based on the KAS Prelims & Mains examination syllabus 2025. You can click on the concerned link to purchase, download, or view the study materials. Make sure you are buying the latest edition of the standard textbooks. To buy any study materials, feel free to email us at . Paper 1  (A) History (India and Kerala) 1) Ancient and Medieval period Tamil Nadu State Board History Text Book (Class XI)  Themes in Indian History Part I , NCERT Class XII  Themes in Indian History Part II , NCERT Class XII  2) Modern Period A Brief History of Modern India by Spectrum (Rajiv Ahir)  Themes in Indian History Part III , NCERT Class XII  Politics in India Since Independence, NCERT Class XII  3) Kerala ...

Kerala Administrative Service - KAS Exam - Eligibility, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Study tips

Here is everything you want to know about Kerala Administrative Service-KAS examination conducted by Kerala PSC. Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) is the civil service of Kerala. The officers for this post will be recruited by Kerala Public Service Commission through KAS examination. Like Indian Administrative Services, KAS is also very dynamic and powerful post. KAS in Kerala government has already commenced. This is the latest news (February 2025) for the upcoming KAS examination. As per the latest news from Kerala PSC on February 2025, the Kerala Administrative Service Examination 2025 notification will be published on March 07, 2025. The KAS preliminary examination will be conducted on June 14, 2025, the KAS mains examination on October 17,18, 2025, and the KAS interview on January 2026, and the final rank list will be published on February 16, 2025 . The KAS prelims and mains examination syllabus remains unchanged from the previous one.   This information is a b...

Kerala Administrative Service Exam Books, Study Materials & Notes for Prelims & Mains 2025 | Syllabus Wise Contents

This article will give you the details of recommended books, online content, study materials, and short notes for the Kerala Administrative Service - KAS prelims and main examination. Bookmark this page for syllabus-wise contents, study materials, rank files, and books for the KAS exam based on the syllabus set by Kerala PSC. Some of the eBooks mentioned here can be downloaded in PDF format also. To receive the KAS 2025 study materials by KAS TUTOR - email us at The latest news related to the Kerala Administrative Service Examination is as follows. The syllabus-wise study materials for the KAS mains examination are as follows. You can click on the concerned link to purchase, download, or view the study materials. Make sure you are buying the latest edition of the standard textbooks. Paper 1  (A) History (India and Kerala) 1) Ancient and Medieval period Tamil Nadu State Board History Text Book (Class XI)  Themes in Indian History P...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) | Key Highlights for UPSC & State PSC Exams

What is  Hyperbaric oxygen therapy,  HBOT?  Key Points for UPSC & State PSC Exams Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment in which a person is exposed to pure oxygen (100%) in a pressurized environment (more than 1 atm) .  Hyperbaric - The word indicates the pressure greater than 1 atm  It is often used to treat medical conditions such as decompression sickness which may cause due to Scuba diving, carbon monoxide poisoning, and non-healing wounds .  It is also being studied for its potential use in treating other conditions such as traumatic brain injury, stroke, and autism. Why in News? Bollywood actor Anupam Kher shares video of Anil Kapoor inside Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber which went viral. How to prepare HBOT topic for UPSC & State PSC Exams In the UPSC exam, a candidate may be asked about the uses, benefits, and potential drawbacks of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. They may be asked to explain the physiological mechan...

KAS or IAS | Which is better? | Comparing Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) & Indian Administrative Service (IAS)

This article compares Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) & Indian Administrative Service (IAS) or Indian Civil Services; like in the service nature, service environment/location, administrative profile, salary & perks, promotions, service easiness etc. This article is a complete solution for those who still enquires about Which one is better KAS or IAS? When will I get IAS from KAS? Why IAS is more challenging service than KAS? Why KAS is better than IAS? etc. Read the complete article. Basic Comparison of KAS & UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Selection: (Examination Conducted by) KAS : Kerala Public Service Commission (Kerala PSC) - State wide examination. Civil Services : Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) - Nation wide examination. Service Nature (Location of Service) KAS - Kerala State Services. Location of service can be anywhere in Kerala. UPSC Civil Services - All India / Central Services. Location of service can be anywhere in India. St...

When will be the next KAS Examination | അടുത്ത കെഎസ് പരീക്ഷ 2022 വര്‍ഷം നടക്കുമോ | Kerala Administrative Service Exam Schedule

Many aspirants are waiting for next Kerala Administrative Service examination to be held in the year 2022. Lots of people used to ask us when will be the next KAS Examination? whether it will be conducted in the year 2022. What is the exam schedule for Kerala Administrative Service exam , when will be KAS notification 2022 etc.  This blog post is a complete and personally authentic solution to your KAS related enquiry. As you all know Kerala Administrative Service is a lucrative service under Government of Kerala. It is the only examination in Kerala conducted by Kerala PSC, where you will be inducted as Group A Gazetted Officer rank apart from Deputy Collector examination (guess). So it is common that all the Keralites will target this examination.  Once you are inducted, you will be posted as Junior Time Scale officer with salary in hand around Rs. 80000 (Eighty Thousand Rupees) to 1 Lakh Rupees which is awesome. Details of salary is available in this blog. Link...