Training & Probation Period for Kerala Administrative Service KAS Junior Time Scale Officers

This article is all about training and probation period for KAS Officer in Kerala (Junior Time Scale). Kerala Administrative Service is going to be the civil service of Government of Kerala. The final rules of KAS Kerala are yet to be framed and the information shared on this page regarding training and the probation period of KAS is based on the latest draft report of Kerala Administrative Service.

As discussed in the earlier articles, the direct recruitment of KAS will be in Junior Time Scale category. Every person appointed in this category after successfully passing KAS examination shall undergo a training for a period of 1 and half years or 18 months or for such duration as may be prescribed by the Government of Kerala from time to time. The pay scale and allowances during the training period will be determined by the Government of Kerala.

The period of training shall count for increment. The training will be partly or fully residential and shall be provided at such institutions and places as Government of Kerala may decide from time to time of which not less than 15 days of training shall be in a premier national Institute specializing in development or planning and not less than 15 days of training shall be in a premier national Institute of management.

The training shall be arranged by the Institute of Management in Thiruvananthapuram in accordance with these rules and in the manner prescribed by Government from time to time.

Probation Period
Every person in the KAS (Junior Time Scale) by direct recruitment or appointed by transfer must undergo the training details as mentioned above will be undergone for a probation period of 2 years on duty and within a continuous period of 3 years. For those KAS categories of KAS officers who are inducted by promotion, the probation period will be for 6 months on duty within a continuous period of 1 year.

KAS officer will be undergone following tests and must go through certain manuals during the probation period. They have to successfully pass all these tests. Among the following tests, a candidate who is having a degree in law shall not be required to pass criminal judicial test.

For satisfactory completion of probation, the following tests have to be completed by a KAS Junior Time Scale officer
  1. The Revenue Test
  2. The Criminal Judicial Test including Indian Penal Code & Criminal Procedure Code
  3. Kerala Secretariat Office Manual (KSOM)
  4. Manual of Office Procedures (MOP)
  5. Proficiency in the Malayalam language
Officers at the Junior Time Scale shall have passed the following tests their promotion
  1. Account Test (Lower)
  2. Miscellaneous Acts (Right to Information Act 2005, Right to Service Act 2012 and such other acts as may be prescribed from time to time).
The government may prescribe tests as it deems fit for any scale in the KAS as a requirement for promotion to the next scale.
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  2. K.A. S ന് അപേക്ഷിക്കുവാൻ , lGNOU യുടെ പ്രൊ വിഷണൽ ഡിഗ്രി ' സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് ഉള്ളവർക്ക് സാധിക്കുമോ

    1. Hi,

      In education criteria of KAS mandates a degree. Nothing has been mentioned about provisional degree certificate in Kerala Civil Service Executive Special rules published in December 2017 related to KAS. For details, check here>>

      KAS Tutors


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